

The privacy policy and disclaimer of RevealNew was last updated on December 04, 2018. The Terms & Conditions are located at ''.

Which information we store?

 ⮞ This is a reading website you don't have to 'log in/log out' or 'sign in' in this site. Any type of personal information which were taken are kept safe. We will promise you that we will sell any type of personal information to any 3rd party company for any amount. We will take your E-mail for sending you, our latest post notification.

Do we use Cookies?

 ⮞ Yes, We use 'Cookie'. 'Cookie' is a short data packet which stored in your Web Browser, allows any website such as to recognize who you are. So, In one word you can say 'Cookie' is a 'Non-Personal' Information which you can't identify personally. This data is used when you open our website.

What about external links?

 ⮞ RevealNew offers external links of trusted websites. If you have left Our website and go to another website. Then this is not RevelNew's Privacy Policy and in this case, Our website is not responsible for any type of problem.

What about Privacy Policy Updates?

 ⮞ We have not updated our privacy policy and disclaimer till now. If we update our privacy policy and disclaimer page then we will make a blog post about the updates, or we will notify you through newsletters.
    If you have any Questions about privacy policy and disclaimer then you can fill contact us form.

